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Articles and journal scans about Preanalytical phase
April 2017
Blood gas testing and related measurements: National recommendations on behalf of the Croatian Society of Medical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine
Reprinted with permission from Biochemia Medica. The journal of Croatian Society of Medical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine. Biochemia Medica 2016;26(3):318-36
Blood gas analysis (BGA) is exposed to risks of errors caused by improper sampling, transport and storage conditions. The Clinical and Laboratory...
Blood gases/acid-base
Preanalytical phase
Quality assurance
Process optimization
Journal Scan
February 2017
Croatian national guidelines for blood gas testing
Nationwide harmonization of clinical laboratory practice is a stated strategic goal of the Croatian Society of Medical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine (CSMBLM). In 2013, a CSMBLM working group conducted a nationwide survey of all aspects of blood gas testing practice in Croatian hospital laboratories.
Blood gases/acid-base
Preanalytical phase
Process optimization
Quality assurance
Journal Scan
January 2017
“Make a fist please” – challenging a common phlebotomy practice
It is commonplace for clinical staff tasked with blood sample collection to ask patients to make a fist before venipuncture; it reportedly helps by making veins more visible. Patients may also be asked to maintain a clenched fist during the procedure. This practice of ”fist clenching” is sanctioned in phlebotomy...
Preanalytical phase
Quality assurance
Journal Scan
September 2016
Is venous blood an acceptable alternative to arterial blood for blood gas analysis – and can pulse oximetry help make it so?
Blood gas analysis, which involves measurement of three parameters: blood pH, pCO2 and pO2, is almost unique among routine blood tests in its requirement for arterial blood. All other blood tests are performed on venous blood or occasionally, capillary blood.
Collection of arterial blood is technically more demanding ...
Blood gases/acid-base
Preanalytical phase
Quality assurance
Journal Scan
May 2016
Spurious hypoxemia, a pre-analytical error of blood gas analysis examined
Blood gas analysis provides the means for assessing patient oxygenation status by measurement of two parameters: the partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood (pO2(a)) and % oxygen saturation of hemoglobin in arterial blood (sO2(a)).
Most accurate reflection of in vivo pO2(a) and sO2(a) requires that measurement...
Preanalytical phase
May 2016
Useful tips to avoid preanalytical errors in blood gas testing: pH, pCO2 and pO2
The measurement of the parameters pH, pCO2 and pO2 is vulnerable to a number of preanalytical errors and this article shares practical tips to help avoid these errors, ensuring that the results of analysis accurately reflect the patient’s acid-base and oxygenation status.
The tips include the removal of air bubbles, ...
Preanalytical phase
Quality assurance
Blood gases/acid-base
Journal Scan
January 2016
Is central venous blood an acceptable sample for blood gas analysis?
Blood gas analysis involves measurement of three parameters: pH, partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2) and partial pressure of oxygen (pO2). Derived (calculated from these measured values) parameters also generated during blood gas analysis include: bicarbonate (HCO3) concentration, base excess (BE) and oxygen...
Blood gases/acid-base
Preanalytical phase
January 2016
Temperature correction of blood gas and pH measurement - an unresolved controversy
The process of blood gas and pH measurement involves preheating the arterial blood sample to normal body temperature (37 °C) prior to measurement of pH, partial pressure of oxygen (pO2) and partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2).
This ensures that results reflect in vivo temperature condition. A minority of...
Preanalytical phase
Blood gases/acid-base
October 2015
Pneumatic tube transport of blood samples – an update
The significance of good practice during the preanalytical phase of clinical laboratory investigation cannot be overemphasized. One aspect of the preanalytical phase – the transport of samples – is considered here; in particular the transport of samples via pneumatic tube systems.
This is an update of a previous...
Process optimization
Blood gases/acid-base
Preanalytical phase
December 2014
Fetal scalp blood sampling
Sampling capillary blood from the fetal scalp during labor of pregnancy, in order to determine its pH, was introduced to obstetric care in the late 1960s.
Despite current skepticism surrounding its utility, most notably in the US, fetal-scalp blood sampling (FSBS) is still considered a useful fetal monitoring test...
Blood gases/acid-base
Preanalytical phase