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Articles by Zoe Brooks
Showing articles by "Zoe Brooks"
July 2007
Is there a QC Gap?
This essay is a follow-up to the 2006 series expressing concern that there is a widespread gap between QC theory and QC practice. Now we are giving you, the reader, the opportunity to rate your own QC practice and to help prove or disprove that gap.
If the QC theories generally recommended by recognized QC experts ...
Quality assurance
October 2006
What can you do to close the QC gap?
This is the forth and final essay in a series of four essays on
The first essay, "Quality control in theory and practice – a gap analysis", raised the question: Has “the system” given front-line laboratory workers the knowledge and tools they need to make quality control decisions wisely? Or ...
Quality assurance
July 2006
Quality control… the gap deepens
This is the third in a series of four essays on
The first essay, "Quality control in theory and practice – a gap analysis", raised the question: Has “the system” given front-line laboratory workers the knowledge and tools they need to make quality control decisions wisely? Or is there a...
Quality assurance
April 2006
I found the gap… it’s in the basement!
This is the second in a series of articles. The first
essay, “Quality control in theory and practice – a gap analysis”,
published here in January 2006 raised the question:
Has “the system” given front-line laboratory workers the
knowledge and tools they need to make quality control decisions
wisely – or is there a...
Quality assurance
January 2006
Quality control in theory and practice – a gap analysis
Millions of times every day, in a myriad of distinctive
laboratories around this globe, front-line workers make the final
decision on the quality of results they report.
If they decide the
quality is “OK”, patient results are released to impact clinical
decisions, and proficiency values reflect the overall ability...
Quality assurance